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138 resources found
4 March 2021
3 Steps to Enhance your Enterprise's Learning with Emerging Technologies
How can you accelerate learning in your organization at a time when technology changes so rapidly?
5 February 2021
How are leaders adapting and transforming? Top insights from Brightline StrategyAtWork 2020
Given our current transformative times, how are leaders succeeding in adapting and innovating? At the 2020 Strategy@Work conference, 330 global senior leaders across industry meet and discuss.
17 January 2021
Transformation is personal
Organisational change is brought about one individual at a time
It is easy to say how important people are, but it is often difficult to translate the recognition of this importance into implementation. A change of behaviour or a change of outlook by one individual in an organisation is the cellular...
15 January 2021
How can we transform higher education?
Brightline and TED collaborate to bring the transformation story of GEM
How can higher education adjust the traditional model to the ever-changing needs of the learners?
5 January 2021
Get Unstuck, Move Ahead and Transform with Matt Marsh
Successful, yet feeling stuck? Surprisingly, research shows it's often successful organizations that find it the hardest to change and transform. Business recovery, reinvention, and rejuvenation is demanding. And firms do get stuck along...
8 December 2020
Strategy@Work 2020 Executive Summary
The global pandemic has changed the world map, once more. It has accentuated the gaps between developed and emerging economies—and ignited a conversation around the next chapter of globalization. Get the executive summary of Brightline...
18 November 2020
Why Every Transformation Journey needs the Brightline Transformation Compass
Winning companies and their CEOs can navigate change, empowering their people to make quantum leaps in ability and performance. Transforming their companies is one of the top concerns for any CEO.
22 October 2020
Transforming Beyond the Crisis
What organizations need to do now to seize tomorrow
The Covid-19 pandemic reminded us how fragile our societies, businesses, and our lives are. It turned things upside down in a matter of weeks.
20 October 2020
How to lead through uncharted times – TED2020 Insights
Whether you are in business or government, at a university or nonprofit, leading through a time of transformation is always a challenge — one where old metrics for decision-making no longer work.
12 August 2020
Transforming traditional businesses doesn’t have to be an elusive goal
Firms need to develop an appetite for innovation, leverage knowledge about customers, and adopt agile ways of working.
6 July 2020
Digital transformation in the wake of a crisis: focus on people
Crises differ in character, scale, and scope, but some aspects are true no matter the organisation, industry, or geography.
23 June 2020
3 Ways of Empowering Your People to Transform
Whitney Johnson
In these unprecedented times, the role of leadership has undergone a fundamental shift. How can leaders have empathetic and authentic conversations?
23 June 2020
How To Transform Your Organization Into An Innovation Engine
Tendayi Viki
Is your organization able to innovate and create new growth in a repeatable way? Do your innovators have to hide and protect their ideas in case they are killed by the corporate machine?
18 June 2020
What are the Skills and Functions Required of the CSO to Implement Strategy in Large Organizations?
We see the birth of the Chief Strategic Officer (CSO) position within the governance of large corporations, in a transfer process of responsibility for strategy execution to a specific role in an organization’s top management teams.
16 June 2020
Reframing: How to Solve the Right Problems?
Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
Are you good at solving the right problems?
8 June 2020
When tides turn, it’s time to transform
Every organization needs to chart its course. Change can be hard—even more so if your employees don’t have a clear direction. Start any transformation by defining your vision and how it impacts your employees and customers.